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5 Quick Tips to Freshen Up Your Resume for 2018
Be Clear-Cut and Specific
We live in a time where specialization is demanded. If you have a heart problem you go to a cardiologist, for example, instead of a general physician. Have you even seen a job description that read: “We’re looking for a jack of all trades — someone who can do 10 things fairly well versus one or two exceptionally well?” Of course you don’t see that. Because in our society we demand experts. It’s no different when it comes to job searching. Employers want to hire the most-qualified expert available.
Be clear about the position you want (name it at the top of your resume, in bold font, for everyone to see), the industry (don’t be afraid to list them) and how your past experience, accomplishments, and results align with both the position and industry. Every sentence, bullet, and keyword in your resume needs to support, prove, and position you as the best fit for the industry and job you’re seeking. It’s fine to keep a master resume at home to reference as you work on a targeted one that you will use when you apply. Do not use your master resume to job search with; you’ll just be spinning your wheels and going nowhere.
Write to Your Audience
You need to know who (what companies) you’re targeting, which industries, AND their greatest pain points, needs, and problems.