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Recruiters Reveal What Makes or Breaks Your Being Hired
Did you know that subjective traits play a critical role in the evaluation of your candidacy and the determination of the recruiter to hire or not hire you? Wouldn’t it then be to your benefit to know exactly which traits are the most important to recruiters when making a hiring decision? Of course it would! I’m going to share with you the eight traits that recruiters said play a determining factor in their decision to hire, how they tie into your success as a candidate, and what you can do about them.
The 8 Subjective Traits Recruiters Use to Decide Whether to Hire You
Only 1% of recruiters reported a connection like same hometown or same college as a factor in their hiring decision. While those common connections may be meaningful to a select few recruiters, they’re not likely to weigh heavily on a decision.
19% of recruiters reported that a candidate’s portfolio of work would positively impact their decision to hire during an in-person interview. While quality and examples of work are important when making a decision to hire, six other traits were determined to be more important during the interview.